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Young kids and their grandparents use their imagination to play together.

Fun Things To Do With Grandparents

Time spent with grandparents is more than just a collection of moments—it’s an opportunity to connect across generations, create cherished memories, and learn from their rich life experiences. That’s why giving your kids quality time to bond with their grandparents over fun activities can foster stronger family ties and bring them all an invaluable sense…

Services, Events, & Dining Experiences

We strive to serve each resident who calls our community home with meaningful experiences and person-centered care. From innovative services to personalized dining options, we’re here to meet your loved one’s unique needs.

Our Services & Amenities

Our services and amenities are designed to nurture connection, happiness, and comfort. Our residents can spend time with friends in comfortable shared spaces or relax in a beautiful apartment. Our community truly feels like home.

Our Events & Activities

Our events and activities are curated to be safe, inclusive experiences that help our residents make the most of every moment. Our community events include hobby classes, a wide array of organized activities, and regularly scheduled group outings.

Our Restaurant-Style Dining

Our restaurant-style dining features a range of delightful and nutritious meals crafted by our culinary staff. We celebrate each resident’s journey through food and serve residents their favorite dishes.

Visit Peregrine Senior Living Today

Find us among the peaceful surroundings of Lakeview Circle on Route 20 in this culturally and historically rich community.

Our Queen Anne historic building is located just outside the idyllic center of the lakeside Village of Skaneateles.

Visitors are always welcome.

Our Address

  • 150 East Genesee St.
  • Skaneateles, NY 13152

Contact Information

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